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I look at you 我看着你

已有 701 次阅读2009-9-24 21:12 |

Please don`t walk away 请不要走开
I see you`re about to 我看你即将(走)
There is just something 只有些事
I`d really like to say 我真的想说
So please don`t walk away啊,请不要走开
I know that you`re there我知道你在那儿
Still you pretend you`re not你仍假装你不在
Yes I know it hurts是的,我知道受到伤害
I have also felt the pain我也感觉心痛
So should it matter那有什么呢?
What I do or what I`ve done我做什么或做完什么
As long as in my heart只要有我心中
You`re still theonlyone你仍是唯一
I hear you say it我听你说
But I don`t think you understand但我认为你不明白
I can be trusted now I swear to you I can现在我相信,我保证我行

It`s been a year一年了

a memory from my past来自我的过去记忆
I know what I did wrong我知道我做错了什么
I wish to change我希望去改变
Just to make it last 只去完成剩下的

But I guess it`s been too long但我想它需太长

Easy to move on从容的前进
To forget to about it all去忘记所有
Is that what you do, hoping I will be gone你想做什么,希望我将去

If you got to know me again如果你想再了解我

Maybe then -- maybe then也许当时,也许当时
We could see what what we should do我们能明白我们要做什么
But that`s all up to you但全取决于你
I`ll be waiting for you我会等你






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facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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